With Sophie we did cloth simulations for three episodes of new Hitman.
Mainly I was FX TD/Artist, but as usual tools for simulations need improvements,
so there was a lot to do.
„Skyforge – Become А God …”
As I know God is not limited, as opposed to CPUs and GPUs : )
„Game without Limits”
Realy ??
…but cinematic looks GOoD ;]
SKYFORGE from Platige Image on Vimeo.
Again The Witcher, this time I did all clothes setups and simulations.
Coats, horses harnesses and hood.
Looks easy, done with struggle.
Witcher is done. That was demanding project.
Over 220 simulations in 3 minutes of animation.
I was responsible for clothes setups: archer, mag, king, clowns, knights and pugilists.
Setup of the assassin was prepared by Łukasz Sobisz.
I did 99% of cloth simulations.
In the meanwhile i did simulation of fluid in the phial :]
THE WITCHER 2: Assassins of Kings
Making off: